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What is ArduECU?


ArduECU is the world’s first rugged, IP69K waterproof, Arduino compatible, electronic control unit (ECU) to be used for harsh environments.The circuitry inside of the IP69K waterproof rated enclosure is a self-contained Arduino-based Atmega 328P microcontroller platform that also has additional capability, durability and water resistance built-in, right out of the box. From controlling motors, servos, interfacing sensors, high voltage digital inputs and outputs, ArduECU can do all that your normal Arduino can do plus more!* Now you can create Arduino based projects that are all so familiar, but finally rugged, waterproof and robust.

ArduECU comes in three flavors: MK1B, MK1C and MK1U-- depending on your needs. Check out the models from the dropdown menu!























*MK1B and MK1C units only. MK1U unit uses standard Arduino Uno board.

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